Sweet Lenoir's music movies thoughts and more

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Igmar Bergman

I've been watching a lot of Ingmar Bergman movies lately. It's interesting to see the psychology of his characters develop and unfold. I recently watched Persona, and it had some very strange opening images that hardly seemed connected to the film, I was not even sure I had the right movie playing at first, after reading the Netflix description. But, no, it was correct...the odd images flashed and then it went into the movie. I realized that David Lynch must have seen this movie long ago and been quite influenced by it, either that, or the two men are kindred spirits, because the imagery was very Lynchish. I recommend Bergman films to anyone who also appreciates Lynch. The person who recommended Bergman to me was an old USC poetry professor of mine, Mark Irwin, as he was suggesting people watch films and read books that do not follow typical molds or mainstream ideals. Bergman's movies are not as overall weird as Lynch's, but the randomish imagery certainly is. 

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